четверг, 6 ноября 2014 г.

Процитирую Теплякова, который цитирует Лармана

"How do we design the application logic with objects?

We could create one class called XYZ and put all the methods, for all the required logic, in that one class. It could technically work (though be a nightmare to understand and maintain), but it isn't the recommended approach in the spirit of OO thinking.

So, what is the recommended approach? Answer: To create software objects with names and information similar to the real-world domain, and assign application logic responsibilities to them. For example, in the real world of POS, there are sales and payments. So, in software, we create a Sale andPayment class, and give them application logic responsibilities. This kind of software object is called a domain object. It represents a thing in the problem domain space, and has related application or business logic, for example, a Sale object being able to calculate its total."

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